Monthly Performance Review of Publicly Offered CII in Ukraine. February 2023

07 March 2023
Monthly Performance Review of Publicly Offered CII in Ukraine. February 2023

In February, the Ukrainian stock market indices closed with the following indicators: the UX index decreased by -4.17%, the PFTS index ended the month with a zero value.

Rate of return of investment funds with public placement was distributed as follows: in the first place was the sector of open-ended CIIs (+3.81%), in the second place - closed-end funds (-14.54%), the sector of interval CIIs was in the third place (-16.73%).


According to UAIB, the value of net assets (NAV) of 14 open-ended CIIs as at February 28, 2023 was UAH 61.99 M. According to the indicators at the end of February, the total decrease in the value of net assets amounted to -UAH 184.83 k (-0.30%). Due to significant payments to investors, the total net outflow of capital in the sector amounted to -UAH 1,539.10 k.

The rate of return in the sector of open-ended funds in February was split 50-50 and ranged from +31.03% to -5.76%.

According to the results of February, the growth leaders in the sector were:

"UNIVER.UA/Mykhailo Hrushevskyi: Fond Derzhavnykh Paperiv" (+UAH 1,376.76 k (+31.03%)) - the increase in the value of net assets (NAV) occurred solely due to the positive revaluation of the components of the investment portfolio;

"UNIVER.UA/Taras Shevchenko: Fond Zaoshchadzhen" (+UAH 212.09 k (+15.80%)) - the growth of the investment portfolio allowed the fund to increase its NAV;

"UNIVER.UA/Volodymyr Velykyi: Fond Zbalansovanyi" (+UAH 194.89 k (+13.73%)) - similarly, the increase in NAV occurred solely due to the positive revaluation of the components of the investment portfolio.

The following funds made the largest payments to investors in February

"VSI" (-UAH 859.40 k (-39.35%)) - the largest net outflow in the amount of - UAH 845.68 k is associated with the purchase of a significant number of certificates from investors (-39.77% in circulation);

"UNIVER.UA/Yaroslav Mudryi: Fond Aktsii" (-UAH 681.77 k (-7.08%)) - redemption of 597 pieces of investment certificates from fund's participants led to an outflow of capital in the amount of

-UAH 637.60 k;

"KINTO-Kaznacheiskyi" (-UAH 140.14 k (-3.22%)) - likewise, due to the presentation by investors for redemption of 167 pcs. of IC led to an outflow of net capital in the amount of -UAH 46.82k.

The main players of the sector in February were distributed as follows: the first place among open-ended CIIs in terms of market share was taken by the fund "KINTO-Klasychnyi" (35.32% of the total NAV (UAH 21.90 M)), the second step was taken by the fund "UNIVER.UA/Yaroslav Mudryi: Fond Aktsii" (14.44% (UAH 8.95 M)), "UNIVER.UA/Mykhailo Hrushevskyi: Fond Derzhavnykh Paperiv"  was on the third place - (9.38% (UAH 5.81 k). Fourth place was taken by the "Altus-Deposyt" fund (8.99% (UAH 5.57 M)), the "Altus-Zbalansovanyi" fund (6.88% (UAH 4.26 M)) was placed on the fifth step.

Among the leaders in terms of rate of return, the following funds stood out: "UNIVER.UA/Mykhailo Hrushevskyi: Fond Derzhavnykh Paperiv"  (+31.03%), "UNIVER.UA/Taras Shevchenko: Fond Zaoshchadzhen" (+15.80%) and "UNIVER.UA/Volodymyr Velykyi: Fond Zbalansovanyi" (+13.73%).

The worst indicators of changes in the value of their securities in February were demonstrated by the following funds: "KINTO-Ekviti" (-5.76%), "KINTO-Kaznacheiskyi" (-2.17%) and "KINTO-Klasychnyi" (-1.33%) .



In February, 1 interval CII was included in the review, the net assets of which, according to the UAIB, were equal to UAH 328.63 k. Compared to the indicators of this sector at the end of the previous month, the NAV of the fund decreased by - UAH 66.05 k (-1.73%).


The value of the net assets of two closed-end CIIs, which were included in the review for February, amounted to UAH 5.72 M at the end of the month. According to the provided indicators, the total NAV of these funds decreased by UAH 977.69 k (-14.60%).

In February, no fund was able to attract investors' funds, the change in NAV was due to a positive revaluation of the investment portfolios.

The changes in rate of return in the sector in February was as follows: "Indeks Ukrainskoi Birzhi" (-22.84%) and "KINTO-Hold" (-6.24%).

Key Figures
Total number of members283as at 11.09.24
Number of AMC278as at 11.09.24
Number of NPF administrators16as at 11.09.24
Number of CII1813as at 11.09.24
Number of NPF*53as at 11.09.24
IC Number*1as at 30.06.24
AuM, UAH M641 885as at 30.06.24
NPF assets under administration, UAH M3 065as at 30.06.24