UAIB Sections

Activities of the Association are conducted in accordance with the directions defined by the Board, within the framework of which corresponding Sections are working. 

1. Asset Management

  • Publicly Offered Funds’ Asset Management Section
  • Privately Placed (Venture) Funds’ Asset Management Section
  • Pension Funds’ Asset Management and Administration Section
  • Institutional Investors’ Asset Management Section (Insurance Companies, Bank and Non-bank Lending Institutions). 

2. Corporate Governance 

  • Corporate Governance Section

3. Accounting, Taxation, Reporting and Audit

4. Complex Software for Asset Management Activities

  • Software Design Section

5. Legal support

  • Legal Support Section 

6. Interaction and coordination of the activities of regional representative offices, interaction with associations, SROs and other professional associations.

7. Securities Management Section. 

Participation in the work of Sections is voluntary. UAIB member companies choose directions of the Association’s work which are most interesting to them by themselves. Coordination of the sections’ work is performed by the members of the UAIB Board (along with the UAIB Directorate staff).

    Key Figures
    Total number of members283as at 22.10.24
    Number of AMC278as at 22.10.24
    Number of NPF administrators16as at 22.10.24
    Number of CII1813as at 22.10.24
    Number of NPF*53as at 22.10.24
    IC Number*1as at 31.08.24
    AuM, UAH M659 602as at 31.08.24
    NPF assets under administration, UAH M3 173 as at 31.08.24