About UAIB


The Ukrainian Association of Investment Business (UAIB) is a representative organisation for all asset management companies as well as non-state pension funds administrators registered in Ukraine. Hence UAIB also represents all investment funds founded as collective investment institutions (CII) under the Law On CII as well as the assets of Ukrainian non-state pension funds under management and administration. UAIB is a non-state, non-profit, self-regulatory organisation founded on the principles of equality of rights as well as unity of its members' interests.

Established in April 1995, UAIB is one of the oldest and most influential professional organisations of the capital markets of Ukraine.

In October 1997, the National (former - "State") Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) first granted to UAIB the status of a self-regulatory organisation (SRO). In the ensuing years, the Association regularly confirmed the status of a securities market SRO that unites asset management companies. Since February 2013, UAIB also has the status of a Union of professional participants of the stock market for the asset management activity, and since August 2020 the Association additionally has the official SRO and Union statuses for the non-state pension funds administration activity.

As for today, UAIB is the only self-regulatory non-state organisation in Ukraine which is exercising the function of pre-licencing preparation of market participants (asset management companies and non-state pension funds administrators) that intend to obtain the NSSMC license for carrying out professional activity.

The purposes of the foundation and activities of the UAIB shall be:

  • Maintaining high professional level of the activities of securities market participants.
  • Representation of the member-companies of the self-regulatory organisation and protection of their professional interests.
  • Professional training and further training for the specialists of the member-companies.
  • Keeping its member-companies informed of the securities legislation and changes made thereto.
  • Developing and overseeing compliance with the norms and rules of conduct, regulation, rules of exercising securities transactions, requirements to the professional qualifications of the specialists of the member-companies and other documents stipulated by the current legislation.
  • Implementing efficient mechanisms for resolution of disputes among the member-companies and their clients.
  • Developing and introducing measures for protection of the clients of the member-companies and other investors, as well as for observance of ethical norms and rules of conduct by the member-companies in their relations with clients
  • Improving the regulatory framework of the securities market.
  • Assisting with organisation of financial monitoring by member-companies in the area of preventing and counteracting legalization of criminal proceeds and financing of terrorism.

While carrying out its functions, which are exercised on the basis of statutory documents, rules and regulations, the UAIB shall be entitled to:

  • Inspect activities of the member-companies in line with the procedure agreed upon with the NSSMC;
  • Oversee legislative compliance of the member-companies, as well as their compliance with the rules and requirements adopted by the Association;
  • Upon agreement with the member-companies - to represent their interests in the NSSMC and other government bodies;
  • Collect, summarize and process statistical information;
  • Jointly with the NSSMC - to participate in the activities on certification of professional securities market participants-members of the Association, and to oversee compliance by the member-companies with the current legislative requirements as regards the number of certified specialists needed to carry out professional activity in the securities market;
  • Jointly with the Commission - to check activities of the member-companies as regards their compliance with the current legislation on financial monitoring;
  • Develop and introduce, in line with the legislation and present By-law, rules, standards and requirements to the procedure of carrying out transactions in the stock market. The rules, standards and requirements shall be subject to coordination with the Commission and, in the instances envisaged by the legislation, with the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine;
  • Introduce procedures  for dispute resolution relating to professional activities in the securities market;
  • Apply sanctions to its members for non-observance of rules, standards and requirements to carrying out transactions in the securities market established by the UAIB.
Key Figures
Total number of members283as at 22.10.24
Number of AMC278as at 22.10.24
Number of NPF administrators16as at 22.10.24
Number of CII1813as at 22.10.24
Number of NPF*53as at 22.10.24
IC Number*1as at 31.08.24
AuM, UAH M659 602as at 31.08.24
NPF assets under administration, UAH M3 173 as at 31.08.24