payoviy investiciyniy fond "ULISS" diversifikovanogo vidu intervalnogo tipu

Asset management company PrAT"KUA"NACIONALNIY REZERV"
Security denomination 1.00
Registration date10.08.2007
Standards reached at11.08.2008
Fund closing date10.08.2032
EDRISI (Fund’s state registration code) 221737
Diversified Diversified
Type of fund (open-ended / interval / closed-end) Інтервальний безстроковий
Corporate fund (CIF) / Unit fund (UIF) / Pension fund (NPF) UIF
Venture fund / Non-venture fund Non-venture
Issuance (type of offer/placement) -
Key Figures
Total number of members284as at 19.01.25
Number of AMC279as at 19.01.25
Number of NPF administrators16as at 19.01.25
Number of CII1829as at 19.01.25
Number of NPF*52as at 19.01.25
IC Number*1as at 30.11.24
AuM, UAH M669 030as at 30.11.24
NPF assets under administration, UAH M3 300as at 30.11.24